
Single-cell ATAC CRISPR screening – Illuminate chromatin accessibility changes in genome wide CRISPR screens

Project type

  • Honours
  • Masters by Coursework
  • PhD and Graduate Research Masters

Project details

Epigenetics is a key regulatory layer determining how the universal blueprint – the genome – is utilized within each cell and during disease. CRISPR screens are a powerful tool to elucidate the function of genes by removing or enhancing a gene and determining what happens to the cells. Here we try to combine single-cell pooled CRISPR screens with an epigenetic readout called single-cell ATAC-seq. ATAC-seq reveals sites within the genome that are accessible for proteins, such as enhancer and genes.

In this project, students will learn to design and clone DNA constructs, perform single-cell ATAC-sequencing, CRISPR library construction and sequencing library preparation and analysis.

Relevant paper: Pierce, Nat Commun, 2021, doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23213-w and Jindal, bioRxiv, 2022, doi.org/10.1101/2022.10.23.512790

About our research group

At the WEHI Advanced Genomics Facility, we have a dual focus. Firstly, we collaborate closely with researchers to provide advanced genomics support for their studies, including multi-omic single-cell and spatial genomics technologies. Additionally, we develop cutting-edge technologies in collaboration with biologists to address fundamental questions about basic biology and disease. We also evaluate the viability of new technologies and make them accessible to our colleagues.

As a member of the Research & Development program within the WEHI Advanced Genomics Facility, the student will be part of an exceptional team that includes postdoctoral researchers and other students offering a unique opportunity to collaborate on a wide range of diseases studied at WEHI. Throughout their time, students will learn a diverse range of genomic techniques, experimental design and considerations when applying genomics technologies.

Education pathways